Remember to Spring Forward This Weekend

Don't forget to "spring forward" with the start of daylight saving time Sunday morning

Every spring we set our clocks forward an hour, and every fall we set them back, but why? Learn the real story behind Daylight Saving Time.

Daylight saving time begins this weekend. If you're looking forward to more light in the sky later in the day, you’re in luck. Sunrise and sunset will be about one hour later on Sunday, March 8 than the day before.

The clock change happens at 2 a.m. Sunday. Smartphones and computers should change automatically. However, you may still need to set all other clocks forward an hour before you go to bed Saturday night, including the one in your car.

Daylight saving time is also a good time to change the battery in your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.

Daylight saving time is not observed in all 50 states. Hawaii and Arizona remain in the same time zone year-round.

We will go back to Standard Time on Sunday, Nov. 1.

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