Joe Pool Lake Levels Rise, Force Marina Closure

The parking lot at Lynn Creek Marina is completely under water and the lake is expected to rise throughout the day Wednesday.

After several days of rain, Joe Pool Lake in Grand Prairie is at least nine feet above normal as of Wednesday morning. And the water is expected to rise several more feet before it crests, according to the Army Corps of Engineers.

After several days of rain, Joe Pool Lake in Grand Prairie is at least 9 feet above normal as of Wednesday morning and the water is expected to rise several more feet before it crests, according to the Army Corps of Engineers.

The water has forced the closure of the Lynn Creek Marina on the lake’s north side, as well as the popular, floating restaurant The Oasis.

The lake has crept at least 100 yards beyond its banks at the marina and completely covers the parking lot.

The last time the lake flooded was in 2015 when it caused significant damage to the marine, the restaurant, the parking lot and its facilities. At that time it took more than a month before the lake level receded to normal.

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