Geminid Meteor Shower This Weekend

Sunday night through early Monday up to 150 meteors per hour could be visible

AFP/Getty Images

A meteor (L) from the Geminids meteor shower enters the Earth’s atmosphere past the stars Castor and Pollux (two bright stars, R) on December 12, 2009 above Southold, New York. This meteor shower gets the name “Geminids” because it appears to radiate from the constellation Gemini. Geminids are pieces of debris from an asteroid called 3200 Phaethon. Earth runs into a stream of debris from the object every year in mid-December, causing the meteors. The peak of the shower is expected the night of December 13-14 at about 0500 GMT on December 14. AFP PHOTO/Stan Honda (Photo credit should read STAN HONDA/AFP/Getty Images)

The Geminid meteor shower is expected to peak this weekend, Dec. 13 & 14 (Sunday evening until dawn Monday). You might also see some meteors leading up to the peak on Dec. 11 & 12. 

The Geminids are an easy shower to see if you watch in a dark area away from city lights. The best time is around 2 a.m. for all located around the Earth. In North Texas, a partly cloudy to mostly clear sky is forecasted allowing for good viewing conditions. The meteors will be bold, white and quick. 

On a dark night near the peak, you will most likely see 50 or more meteors per hour. This year it is possible to see 150 meteors per hour due to the moon-free sky. A New Moon falls on December 14, 2020. On the mornings prior to that date, you’ll see a waning crescent moon. 

The curious rock comet called 3200 Phaethon is the parent body of this shower. The debris shed by 3200 Phaethon crashes into Earth’s upper atmosphere at approximately 80,000 miles per hour. The debris vaporizes as colorful Geminid meteors.

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