Several Buildings Damaged in Downtown Canton After Severe Storms Move Through

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People are getting their power back after hundreds went without overnight. Clean-up continues in Canton and Larry Collins joins us.

People in Canton are surveying the damage left behind after a severe storm moved across the city, damaging several buildings.

At the intersection of Texas Highways 19 and 64, people in a Valero gas station ran for cover.

Drone Video Captures Canton Tornado
Brandon Clement of Live Storms Media captured the Canton tornado on drone video, you can see the twister send debris into the air on May 29, 2019.

“We saw it spiral up right across the road. I told everybody, ‘Let’ go!’ said manager Crystal Herrera. “We went to the bathroom. We hunkered down."

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Texas Thunder Truck Captures Tornado on Camera
Texas Thunder Truck captured video of the tornado in Van Zandt County that would go on to hit Canton.

Seven people in all were in the bathroom as the twister dropped down right on top of them.

NBC 5 Drone Surveys Damage to Homes in North Fort Worth

"We heard the building just pull away from itself,” Herrera said. “Something I've never been through."

Gas Station in Canton Damaged as Strong Storm Moves Across the City
People in Canton are surveying the damage left behind after a severe storm moved across the city, damaging several buildings. What is believed to be a tornado caused major damage to the exterior of a gas station and convenience store at the intersection of Highways 19 and 64.
Texas Sky Ranger Surveys Damage Over Cedar Creek Country Club

Her daughter was with her.

"It was scary,” Abbie Herrera said.

Weather Service to Survey Tornado Damage in Canton

Across the street, others took shelter in a store.

"By the time you saw it, if you didn't already have a place you could be very soon, you wasn't going to make it,” said Jerry Lane. “It was really moving. Really moving."

Damage in Downtown Canton After Severe Storms
Several buildings damaged in downtown Canton after severe weather passes through the area.

The tornado ripped parts of the roof and outside walls off the gas station.

But everyone hunkered down in that bathroom emerged without a scratch.

"It just went through and it was over and that was it,” Abbie Herrera said.

Neighbors Jump in to Help Clean-Up After Canton Storms
People in Canton are already picking up after a powerful storm moved across the city Wednesday, knocking down trees and even smashing one woman's car.

Not far from the gas station, homeowners had already started cleaning up after the storm passed.

"My son came out and my nephew and said 'Well aint Linda your car is a pancake,'" said resident Linda Myers.

Just a few blocks away, a tree landed in the middle of a newly renovated bathroom.

"The only thing I can say is that God performed a miracle because we're safe," said storm victim Sadie Berry.

Over at the UT Health Rehabilation Center, the strong winds basically peeled the roof off the building.

With the continuious rain only adding insult to injury, workers say they will be there Thursday morning, trying to save whatever they can.

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Before the Storm
Weather Safety
Stay Safe During a Hail Storm
At Home?
  • Head indoors immediately
  • If time allows, close all drapes, blinds or shades to prevent broken glass from entering your home.
  • Stay away from windows and skylights (any exterior glass) and head to a safe location inside your home, ideally only with interior walls.
  • Cover your head and seek shelter indoors immediately.
  • If you are trapped outside, get to a low-lying area and try to protect your head. Use clothing if it's all you have.
  • Stay inside your vehicle.
  • Slow down or pull over and stop at a safe location. DO NOT stop under a highway overpass. You may be protecting your vehicle, but you could be forcing other people to stop behind you.
  • Turn your back to windows or cover yourself with a blanket, coat or spare clothing to protect yourself from breaking glass.
  • If you have a sunroof, try to find something to protect your head.


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