North Texas

Despite Lack of Rain, Lake Levels Are Holding Up Well

Thanks to a lot of rain earlier in the year, lake levels are holding steady despite drought conditions resurfacing

As we head into a warm weekend, you may be thinking about heading to the lake. If those lake plans involve boating or fishing, you'll be glad to know area lake levels are holding up rather well, especially considering we haven't seen much rain in April.

We are halfway through the month and DFW has only recorded a measly 0.60" in the rain gauge. Considering the normal precipitation for the entire month is 3.22," we are running well off the pace.

Despite this dry stretch of weather over the past few weeks, lake levels are near capacity. The healthy lake levels can be attributed to a wet February and a lot of rain last fall.

Most of the lakes and reservoirs within the DFW metroplex area are near 100%. You'll notice the lower lake levels on this map mainly to the west and southwest.

These lower lake levels correspond to where signs of worsening drought are reappearing.

The latest Drought Monitor, which is updated every Thursday, indicates abnormally dry conditions spreading to the DFW area once again. More extreme drought conditions are reemerging to the southwest.
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