Celebrating local animal heroes: Saving Hope Animal Rescue
Clear the Shelters: Pawsitively Good Awards is recognizing Saving Hope Animal Rescue for going above and beyond to help animals in need.
Celebrating local animal heroes: The Cozy Catfe
Clear the Shelters: Pawsitively Good Awards is recognizing The Cozy Catfe for going above and beyond to help animals in need.
Celebrating local animal heroes: Donkey & Equine Haven USA
Clear the Shelters: Pawsitively Good Awards is recognizing Donkey & Equine Haven USA for going above and beyond to help animals in need.
Celebrating local animal heroes: Metro Animals
Clear the Shelters: Pawsitively Good Awards is recognizing Chew Animal Clinic for going above and beyond to help animals in need.
Celebrating local animal heroes: CHEW Animal Clinic
Clear the Shelters: Pawsitively Good Awards is recognizing Chew Animal Clinic for going above and beyond to help animals in need.
Celebrating local animal heroes: Cody's Friends Rescue
Clear the Shelters: Pawsitively Good Awards is recognizing Cody’s Friends Rescue for going above and beyond to help animals in need.
Celebrating local animal heroes: Operation Kindness
Clear the Shelters: Pawsitively Good Awards is recognizing Operation Kindness for going above and beyond to help animals in need.
Dallas Animal Services officer who fosters wildlife in her home gets spotlight on ‘The Kelly Clarkson Show'
Dallas Animal Services officer and wildlife investigator Jacqui Sutherland, aka The Coyote Lady, was recently nominated for the ongoing PAWSitively Good Awards and on Nov. 8 The Kelly Clarkson Show spotlighted her efforts.
Dallas animal officer who fosters wildlife in her home gets spotlight on ‘The Kelly Clarkson Show'
Dallas Animal Services officer and wildlife investigator Jacqui, aka The Coyote Lady, was recently nominated by NBC 5 Dallas-Fort Worth for NBC Local station partner’s ongoing PAWSitively Good Award for working with the local wildlife population, including coyotes, bobcats, possums, and bats, and fostering hundreds of pets in her own home.
Celebrating local animal heroes: The Love Pit
Clear the Shelters: Pawsitively Good Awards is recognizing The Love Pit for going above and beyond to help animals in need.
Celebrating local animal heroes: The Pawerful Rescue
Clear the Shelters: Pawsitively Good Awards is recognizing The Pawerful Rescue for going above and beyond to help animals in need.
Celebrating local animal heroes: Myriam Hunter
Clear the Shelters: Pawsitively Good Awards is recognizing Myriam Hunter for going above and beyond to help animals in need.