Iconic iguana Iggy again watches over Fort Worth Zoo
Iggy, the Fort Worth Zoo’s iconic iguana, is back greeting zoo visitors and drivers along University Drive after a two-month absence.
Iggy returns to the Fort Worth Zoo
The Fort Worth Zoo’s iconic iguana Iggy is back in a familiar spot after a makeover.
‘Jameela' shows improvement at Cleveland Zoo
The Fort Worth Zoo transferred its baby gorilla, Jameela, to Cleveland to be raised by a foster mom. Updates on social media show bonding and progress between the two. Freddy now nurses and cares for Jameela full-time, which is bittersweet for the Fort Worth team. NBC 5’s Deborah Ferguson has more.
Unsettling or heartwarming? Fort Worth Zoo releases 75 snakes into the wild
The Fort Worth Zoo released 75 snakes into a forest in Louisiana. The snakes are an endangered species.
Fort Worth Zoo releases 75 snakes into the wild
Videos show the endangered Louisiana pine snakes getting released.
Unsettling or heartwarming? Fort Worth Zoo releases 75 snakes into the wild
The Fort Worth Zoo released 75 snakes into a forest in Louisiana. The snakes are an endangered species.
TCU students work with Fort Worth Zoo to enrich animal habitats
Students in TCU’s Zoo Enrichment class spent a semester researching and designing enrichment activity structures with the help of the Fort Worth Zoo.
TCU helps Fort Worth Zoo to enrich exhibits
Dirt, water and trees are all part of the animal environments at the Fort Worth Zoo. The goal is to mimic what they would have in the wild. Noelle Walker shows us how a class at TCU is working with the zoo to enrich the exhibits.
WATCH: Texas gorilla caught ticking her baby during adorable mother-son moment
The Fort Worth Zoo shared video of a tender moment between western lowland gorilla Gracie and her young son, Bruno.
Adorable video shows baby gorilla getting tickled by mom at Fort Worth Zoo
Video shows baby gorilla getting tickled by his mom at the Fort Worth Zoo.
Baby gorilla Jameela bonding with new mother at Cleveland Zoo
Jameela, an eight-pound baby western lowland gorilla, appears to have bonded with her new foster mom at the Cleveland Zoo.
Baby gorilla Jameela arrives at new home in Cleveland
Jameela arrived in Cleveland safe and sound yesterday afternoon.
Baby gorilla still in North Texas
We’re following the Fort Worth Zoo for updates on the transfer of the baby gorilla Jameela to Cleveland. As of the last check, she’s still in North Texas. NBC 5’s Deborah Ferguson has more details.
Fort Worth's beloved baby gorilla Jameela arrives at Cleveland Zoo
Fort Worth’s baby gorilla Jameela has officially arrived at her new home at the Cleveland Zoo!
Cleveland zoo awaits arrival of baby gorilla from Fort Worth
NBC 5 is keeping watch on the Fort Worth Zoo for any updates about the transfer of the baby gorilla named Jameela to Cleveland.
Fort Worth Zoo finalizes plans for transfer of baby gorilla Jameela to Cleveland after surrogacy failure
The Fort Worth Zoo is finalizing plans to transfer one of its most popular animals to another zoo next week. Only on NBC 5 Deborah Ferguson takes us behind the scenes for an exclusive look at Jameela’s care and explains why she’ll leave Fort Worth.
Fort Worth Zoo lets the public see baby gorilla Jameela before she moves to Cleveland
The Fort Worth Zoo announced Friday that the baby gorilla born via a historic emergency C-section needed to save her life and her mother’s life is headed to Cleveland, but the public will have a chance to see her before she goes.
Fort Worth Zoo will transfer a baby gorilla after surrogacy efforts fail
The Fort Worth Zoo will transfer a baby gorilla out of Texas after surrogacy efforts failed.
Fort Worth Zoo to transfer baby gorilla after surrogacy efforts fail
NBC 5 gets exclusive behind the scenes access to baby’s care.
Baby boom at Fort Worth Zoo leads to record-breaking spring break crowds
This spring break, the Fort Worth Zoo broke its previous attendance record, and they credit their success to “a surplus of baby animals born within the last three months.”