As quarterback of the Dallas Cowboys from 1989 to 2000, Troy Aikman was an intense guy on the field, never shy about laying into his teammates if circumstances called for his teammates to be laid into. Apparently, that intensity is a trait that has followed him, to some degree, to the golf course in his post-football life.
“I'm not above throwing a club, but I don't think I've got any anger problems on the course,” Aikman told Golf Magazine in a published discussion between he and his booth-mate on FOX, Joe Buck, about their regular golf games. “We keep our language in check too. Unfortunately I'm not above letting it go a little bit...”
Buck added: “He curses like a sailor; let me be the one to say it.”
The back-and-forth isn’t all talk about Aikman unleashing strings of obscenities on the golf course, as hilarious as that mental image is. Rather, the story paints a picture of a friendship blossoming between Aikman and Buck over the years, with the golf course as the setting.
“Without sounding corny, I consider Joe one of my closest friends,” Aikman said. “Golf has allowed us to have interests beyond our profession and something to do together.”