Witten: “There Are a Lot of Good Teams Out There and We're Not Up There”

T.O. was upset with Pro Bowl tight end Jason Witten last year.  He claimed Tony Romo and Witten were holding secret meetings and excluding him.  Owens also said there was a "buddy system" and Romo sent too many throws going to #82 instead of #81.

Well, T.O. is history.  As Mary Jane Blige sang in her smash hit, "No More Drama," here's Witten's take on Day One of training camp from San Antonio.  He defends his good buddy  Romo and says he's ready to go.

#82- Jason Witten

Q: From the outside looking in, there seems to be the least drama we’ve seen on this team going into training camp, is that a fair assessment?

JW: Absolutely, I mean you go 9-7, and you don’t make the playoffs, coming off a 13-3 season the year before and so much is made of it. There are a lot of good teams out there and we’re not up there with the people that are being named, and I think its good for us. And we aren’t looking for anyone to feel sorry for us. I think we just know what it is, we have a huge challenge, and we have a lot to do. And I think the team is embracing that opportunity and has unbelievable focus towards the challenge we have.

Q: Last year you were in California, "Hard Knocks,"with  kind of a circus type atmosphere. Is it nice to be back home?

JW:  Yeah it is. You use more of a focused approach, and you understand where the focus has to be. And so much is made when the cameras are around, and this team has learned a lot in the past few years. We got a good core group together and we're just trying to build on that. And I don’t know what that means as far as where we’re going to end up in the end, but when your approach it the right way and you have the right focus, you put yourself in a very good position to be successful.

Q: How ready is Tony Romo to have a great season this year?

JW:  He is ready as I’ve seen him, he doesn’t need me to speak for him. He doesn’t need his teammates to do those things. It's reality and he understands where the challenge is and the opportunity he has and he’s got a good group around him. We’re going to help him out with the running backs we have and the receivers. And I think he understands where it’s at and he’s ready to show everybody what kind of quarterback he is. And for all of us and I wouldn’t change him for anybody.

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