Civic leaders issue call to action to support children separated from their parents at the U.S. – Mexico border.
The U.S. government will not use shelters in Dallas to house migrant children separated from their parents, a county official said Wednesday.
Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins tweeted just after 6 p.m. Wednesday that the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services told him "no shelters in Dallas are needed at this time."
Earlier in the day Wednesday, there were calls to action across Dallas urging people to call their elected officials and protest the Trump administration's "zero tolerance" immigration policy at the border that has been separating children from their parents.
"I want you to imagine that child being ripped from the arms of their parents," said Rev. Jeff Hood, who spoke at a League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) rally at Dallas City Hall Wednesday. "I want to you image that child is white. You don't see this happen at our northern border."
Even as President Donald Trump signed an executive order to end the policy of separating migrant children from parents, activists were stepping up to microphones across town encouraging people to, "Say Something, Do Something."
The latest news from around North Texas.
Jenkins initially planned to spend Wednesday on conference calls with federal officials before looking at possible site locations.
"Let's do all we can for people in a very difficult time," Jenkins said. He followed up his first tweet with another, calling for work and prayer.
"It's embarrassing," said LULAC President Domingo Garcia. "We are losing our role as the defender of human rights in the world."
LULAC is organizing a bus trip to South Texas on Saturday to protest. "No baby jails," one speaker chanted.
"If ever there was a time to 'be golden,' it's now," said Dave Woodyard, CEO of Catholic Charities, which hosted another gathering of community activists, charities, and politicians.
"It does not matter what side of the border you're on," said Pastor Michael Evans, of Bethlehem Baptist Church. "What God has joined together, let no man or government put asunder."