Man serving life sentence for child sexual abuse escapes Texas prison

Robert Yancy Jr. was last seen wearing a black beanie and a black sweater in a 2021 Nissan Versa on Sunday, Texas authorities said.

Clemens Unit in Brazoria, Texas.
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A man serving a life sentence for child sex abuse escaped prison, the Texas Department of Criminal Justice said Sunday in a post on social media platform X.

Authorities are searching for Robert Yancy, Jr., 39. He was last seen at approximately 3:38 p.m. Sunday at the Clemens Unit in Brazoria, Texas, the the TDCJ said.

He was in a 2021 white Nissan Versa with the license plate DNR9145, the criminal justice department said. He was wearing a black beanie and a black sweater at the time.

The TDCJ asked the public to call authorities and stay away from Yancy if they see him.

Read the full story at here.

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