Fort Worth

Woman Steals Scrubs by Shoving Them Up Her Shirt

A far north Fort Worth medical accessories supply store says police are narrowing in on a shoplifter.

Level-One Scrubs Accessories, on North Beach Street at Basswood Boulevard, had $250 worth of scrubs stolen on the afternoon of Feb. 25 by a woman who was caught in the act on surveillance video.

In the surveillance video the woman can clearly be seen stuffing scrubs into a large purse or bag while employees were busy at the desk processing a new shipment.

When another customer comes in and gets help from the workers, the woman stuffs scrubs under her shirt at times exposing her buttocks.

The store is filled with surveillance cameras and at one point the woman looks directly at a camera in the corner of the store.

She's only in the store for about six minutes, before hanging out by the door and walking out.

Employees realized the theft happened when they found empty hangars in racks and checked the video.

On Wednesday afternoon, employees say another woman tried to return the stolen scrubs. They knew they were stolen because some of the items were so new they hadn't been sold yet on the floor.

Co-owner Ray Doss said it's especially disappointing given how much they pride themselves as a store on donating scrubs to the Tarrant County Women's Center for rape victims.

"Things that are stolen from here makes it harder to give back when we have to replace stolen items," she said.

Doss said Fort Worth Police told her they know exactly who the woman in the video is, as she's been arrested before for similar crimes. Doss said she's been told an arrest warrant has been issued for her.

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