Almost every neighborhood has one, that heinous-looking house at the end of the street or the middle of the block, the one people look at and think, “Ugh, even Tim Burton wouldn’t use that thing as a movie location.”
Now Dallas-Fort Worth residents can select the ugliest house in the region through an online contest sponsored by HomeVestors of America Inc., the company with the “We Buy Ugly Houses” tagline and trademark cartoon caveman. The website features images and descriptions of the nominated structures as identified by area real estate agents earlier this spring.
The online voting opened today and runs through July 2. Locals can cast their votes without first having to register with an online system.
The contest winner -- or loser, as the case may be -- will be named during the week of July 5.

Spoiler alert: According to the company’s news release, most of the houses in the running no longer look like they’ve been beaten with an ugly stick. Investors renovated the majority of the properties, which have since been sold or maintained as rentals. Still, ugly’s ugly, right, past or present.
Bruce Felps owns and operates East Dallas Times, an online community news outlet serving the White Rock Lake area. Can he nominate his own house?