Two of the people who got sick from cantaloupes contaminated with listeria live in Dallas County.
The health department said the 81-year-old and 75-year-old have recovered. Due to confidentiality and privacy concerns, the names of those who became ill will not be released.
The results from two other Dallas County listeria cases are pending. DCHHS won't know until then if the pending cases are linked to the outbreak.
Until further tests are completed, Dallas County is asking everyone to avoid Rocky Ford cantaloupses shipped from Jense Farms in Colorado. Shipments of those cantaloupes were made between July 29 and Sept. 10 and distributed to 17 states, including Texas.
Any person who develops symptoms of gastrointestinal illness, accompanied by fever, who may have ingested cantaloupe from Jensen Farms should seek medical attention.
Nationwide, a total of eight people have died after eating the tainted melons.