
Trump, Cruz Trade Barbs as New Hampshire Hits the Polls

New Hampshire residents at long last headed to the polls on Tuesday for the first-in-the-country primary.

Well, voting is very different in New Hampshire. They have yellow tape at polling locations (yes, the kind you see at crime scenes), that signals where campaigning must stop!

Supporters and candidates can be INSIDE the polling locations. So can cameras.

We talked to voters seconds after they voted and some said they saw about 20 advertisements on TV a day and answered at least five phone calls. One man said he is excited for the ads to end and looks forward to once again watching ads about cars and beer.

Then it was on to a Ted Cruz event. According to the polls, he is in a heated battle for second place with U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), Ohio Gov. John Kasich, and former Florida Gov. Bush.

But Cruz had questions Tuesday that did not have to do with the race.

Here is the background, if you have not already heard. Monday night at a Donald Trump rally a supporter called Cruz a derogatory term. Trump then repeated it in front of thousands of people. Tuesday, Cruz was asked about that and said he would not respond in kind. Here is video or his response to me.

U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, a Republican from Texas, responds to the use of profanity by GOP rival Donald Trump.

Cruz answered the question at a small event at a diner, and I can assure you, there were more cameras than voters. It is really hard getting in there in a tight group like that. Believe it or not, since I am short, sometimes that helps and I can kind of squeeze through. Other times, it is not so easy. Today, my photographer Juan Rodriguez and I were in good places, so it all worked out.

Monday night we will be at Cruz's election watch party. Hopefully I can tweet out as many results as possible, but the Internet isn't great here so cross your fingers.

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