The tragic murders of Amina and Sarah Said are the focus of a new documentary that debuted in Dallas Sunday night.
“The Price of Honor” tells the dark story of Yaser Said, the alleged abuse and eventual murders of his teen daughters.
18-year-old Amina Said and her sister 17-year-old Sarah were found shot in their father’s taxi cab in Irving on Jan. 1, 2008. Yaser Said disappeared and, despite being on the FBI’s Most Wanted list, he hasn’t been heard from since.
The documentary reveals new information and alleges Said is still in the United States and did not flee to Egypt as many first believed.
More than 200 people watched the film at the Lakewood Theater Sunday night, including members of the girls’ family. Great Aunt Gail Gartrell hopes this documentary will help one day bring justice.
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“That’s the beauty of this documentary though is that I’m getting to see things that I haven’t been able to see before, and getting to know them a little bit better, but I’m also seeing the depths of the pain that they had to endure because they couldn’t live like you and I have lived,” Gartrell said.
The film alleges Said killed his daughters because he disapproved of their American lifestyle.
“The freedoms that you and I have always enjoyed and taken for granted - these girls could not do that,” Gartrell said.
"The Price of Honor" will be featured in Los Angeles, San Francisco and New York before playing a various film festivals.