“Barrel Monsters” are Back on I-35E

For the second year in a row, AGL Constructors and the 35Express Project revealed the Barrel Monster campaign Tuesday morning.

A 20-foot-tall Lego man, an elephant, and a construction cone UNT Eagle are just a few of the monsters parked along Interstate 35E this spring.

For the second year in a row, AGL Constructors and the 35Express Project revealed the Barrel Monster campaign Tuesday morning.

Workers on the 30 mile, $1.4 billion construction project made the giant creations out of construction cones and other pieces of safety equipment in observance of the construction industry’s National Safety Week.

Project Information Manager Kimberly Sims said the week is to remind the workers of their duty to safety in the busy construction site, as well as to remind drivers of their responsibility to pay attention to the road and slow down in work zones.

Most of the monsters have some sort of sign with them asking drivers to stay alert and to put down their phones while driving.

Additionally, the construction teams who built the creations are competing against one another this week to decide whose monster is the best of the year.

They encourage drivers to vote for their favorite Barrell Monster. CLICK HERE to vote for Emmet (from The Lego Movie), No Fly Zone Eagle, Dumbo, King Kong, Safety Plane or The Excavator. Voting ends at midnight Sunday, May 10.

The overall project is expected to wrap up in mid-2017.

More: Vote for Your Favorite Barrel Monster

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