Greg Abbott

O'Rourke's 475,000 Donors Edge Gov. Abbott in Summer Campaign Contributions

Candidates each reveal raising roughly $25 million in contributions between July 1 and Sept. 29 though they differed dramatically when it came to the number of donors

Beto O´Rourke y Greg Abbott.
NBC 5 News

The leading two candidates for Texas governor each pulled in about $25 million in campaign contributions during the summer, with a slight edge going to Democratic challenger Beto O'Rourke who reported 10 times as many donors.

For the second straight reporting period, O'Rourke's campaign said they brought in more money than incumbent Republican Gov. Greg Abbott.

O'Rourke's campaign reported Tuesday having raised $25.18 million over the most recent reporting period from July 1 through Sept. 29. During that time same time period, Abbott's campaign said the two-term governor raised just under $25 million but didn't specify down to the decimal point.

Using previous figures reported by the Texas Ethics Commission, O'Rourke has now raised more than $65 million in what has become one of America's most expensive races of the 2022 midterms. The former El Paso congressman and presidential candidate is trying to become the first Democrat in nearly 30 years to win statewide office in Texas and to be the state's first Democratic governor since Ann Richards (1991-1995).

O'Rourke did not say how much money his campaign has on hand -- or how much it has spent -- while teasing his fundraising numbers before filing his latest campaign finance report. He said the latest contributions of $25 million came from nearly 475,000 donors, making the average contribution $53.

Of the donors, O'Rourke's campaign said 98% of the donations were received online and that teachers contributed more than any other occupation.

“I’m grateful for everyone who helped raise $25.18 million in just three months as we support the work of our organizers and record-breaking 100,000 volunteers,” said O’Rourke. “We’re receiving support from those in every part of this state who are ready to hold Greg Abbott fully accountable for eight years of failing all of us as he continues to put his extreme agenda over the people of Texas. We are going to defeat him and ensure Texas finally leads in great jobs, world-class schools, the ability to see a doctor, keeping our kids safe and restoring a woman’s freedom to make her own decisions about her own body.”

Abbott's campaign said his roughly $25 million in donations from the most recent filing period came from nearly 45,000 contributors, which is 1/10th of the number of donors reported by his challenger over the same time period. Abbott said 81% of his donors were from Texas.

The two-term governor is one of the most prolific GOP fundraisers in the country and had previously reported raising more than $30 million through the first half of the year and said Tuesday his campaign has now raised $95 million during the current election cycle from more than 418,000 contributors.

Texas has no limits on campaign contributions.

NBC 5 and the Associated Press
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