Talking Trash: Lakewood Rips Dallas Over New Policy

Angry Lakewood neighborhood residents confronted Dallas leaders Tuesday over the city's new garbage pickup policy.

Dallas now requires homeowners with tight alleyways to roll their garbage cans out to the street curb instead of leaving them in the alley for pick up. The city changed its pickup policy on March 1.

About 9,000 homeowners are affected citywide, with a number of them in Lakewood. Dallas Sanitation Director Mary Nix said alleys in Lakewood are particularly narrow -- only about 10 feet wide.

“There just simply wasn’t enough room for our trucks and the roll carts,” she said.

Lakewood Residents Trash Curbside Collection

Nix said the tight alleyways were costing the city tens of thousands of dollars to repair damages to garbage trucks and to private property.

“These folks are used to certain service, year after year, so sure, they are going to notice when it changes,” she said.

But Lakewood residents are banding together to fight the change.

“If I was mad before I got here, now I’m really mad,” Debra Lacy said as she left Tuesday night’s meeting.

Homeowners must get 75 percent of their neighbors to sign the petition before the city will even consider reversing its pickup policy.

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