
Southlake DPS debuts new video about driving safely

Southlake and McKinney earned national social media awards in May ceremony

NBC Universal, Inc.

The Southlake Police Department goes above and beyond to share safety messages on social media. 

The Southlake Police Department protects and serves and goes above and beyond to share safety messages on social media. Thousands follow their award-winning pages.

A new video debuted on Thursday with a storyline that takes its cue from “90 Day Fiance". The video reminds people not to speed in school zones and gives information about traffic enforcement, the process when there is a citation, and Teen Court.

20MPH School Day is told through a flirty character named Olivia and Cpl. Craig D'Amico plays his part with deadpan perfection.

Some of the dialogue is cheesy but hilarious and delivers a serious message about driving safely in Southlake.

Olivia: "I was speeding through a school zone, and he wrote me a ticket."

Cpl. D'Amico: "I don't know this offender personally. She sped through the school zone and didn't even brake when I put on my lights and siren. School just started."

Olivia: "Policemen don't tell me what to do. Just kidding. They do. And now, I have 20 days to take care of this citation. It's like he's courting me."

Cpl. D'Amico: "No ma'am, I'm trying to get you to court."

The video also shows Olivia's teenaged son who goes through Teen Court to resolve his own traffic ticket.

In May, Southlake DPS social media pages won the Best Long Form Video Golden Post Award at the national Government Social Media Awards.The winning video “The Real Cops of Southlake” was a safety-laden parody of Bravo’s “The Real Housewives” series.

The judges said this one went above and beyond normal humor. Their attention to detail in every aspect of the video truly made it stand out above any other humor videos we saw. The video provided education, invited conversation and kept viewers engaged.

The City of McKinney also won a Golden Post award for Best Use of Short Form Video.

The judges noted that the NSYNC style video from the City of McKinney reflected the agency’s brand, aligned with their strategy to use fun content to educate and showed both elements perfectly “in sync”. The city embraces its millennial audience and understands the importance of creating engaging, relevant content.

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