
Scammer Steals $12,000 From Chase Bank Customer in Dallas

The scammer knew the customer’s security questions, her last transaction and the amount in her account

Chase bank exterior
NBC10 Boston

A Dallas woman in her late 20s is trying to recover $12,000 that a scammer acting as a JPMorgan Chase Bank representative persuaded her to withdraw.

The victim, Anna Kate, said the caller knew her security questions and answers, her last transaction, the last time she had visited an ATM and her account balance to the penny.

“He knew too much,” said Anna Kate, who was advised by the U.S. Secret Service Dallas field office assisting with her case to only use her first name in an interview with The Dallas Morning News. “I fully believed he was a Chase employee.”

The emotional rollercoaster began Nov. 3 when Anna Kate answered the phone to a man saying he was a Chase representative and wanted to verify some suspicious charges.

“Did you recently purchase a computer and some Apple AirPods?” he asked.

Click here to read more about the scam from our partners at The Dallas Morning News.

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