Hussein's Gun To Be Displayed in Bush Library

Richly symbolic for both sides of the war debate

The George W. Bush Presidential Library will display a curious artifact, according to the New York Times: Saddam Hussein’s gun.

Delta Force soldiers took the 9 millimeter Glock 18C when they disarmed the Iraqi leader after finding him in a spider hole in December 2003. They then offered the weapon to Mr. Bush as a gift, and it became one of his prized possessions.

Though keeping such mementos of presidency is common for U.S. leaders, many have pointed out the irony of the gun’s being unloaded when Saddam Hussein was captured. Still others have speculated that Bush’s captivation with the weapon might highlight the personal vendetta his detractors have accused him of having against the despot.

Curators will likely place the gun in a display focusing on 25 of Mr. Bush’s presidential decisions when the library opens in Dallas on the Southern Methodist University campus in 2013.

Holly LaFon has written and worked for various local publications including D Magazine and Examiner.

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