Racially offensive fliers titled “Why White Women Shouldn’t Date Black Men” were found posted in the hallways of two Southern Methodist University residence halls Sunday night.
Racially offensive fliers titled "Why White Women Shouldn't Date Black Men" were found posted in the hallways of two Southern Methodist University residence halls Sunday night.
Student Taylor Nickens sent NBC 5 a photo of a flier found posted in a dorm at the university.

SMU officials condemned the fliers, saying they were racist and hateful and that they were against the university's values.
"These messages have no place at SMU and are in opposition to SMU’s values and commitment to an environment free from discrimination," the university said in a statement Tuesday.
With a minority enrollment of more than 3,000, administrators at SMU said it's the type of institution that champions diversity; so much so that when
NBC showed graduate student Dario Saintus the flier, he shook his head in disbelief. Saintus was stunned to learn of the flier.
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"Obviously, I'm bothered by it. I can't even speak about it right now, but to see that posted on a campus [is] to generalize black men that way," said Saintus.
The generalizations include low IQ, high crime, a high STD rate and startling domestic violence rates.
"It's truly disheartening," said SMU's Association of Black Students President Mackenzie Jenkins, who clenched her hands uncomfortably as she reacted to the flier.
"We have made great strides in making sure our campus is culturally intelligent," Jenkins said.
"I hope to God the future is not on their side. I mean, what's the message?" said graduate student William Glass.
SMU officials are investigating who put the fliers up. A group known for its far right ideologies is named on the flier.
"Whoever did post it should be ashamed of themselves most definitely," said Saintus.
SMU added that the fliers in question are available online and have appeared at two other campuses - including the University of Oklahoma and the University of Michigan.
SMU President R. Gerald Turner delivered a message to the campus last week that spoke directly to the university’s intent to support all members of its community, emphasizing that there is no justification for hostile action directed toward any member of the community.
Students have scheduled a town hall meeting at 8 p.m. Wednesday at the SMU Student Center.
Anyone who sees any such fliers is asked to call the SMU Police Department at 214-768-3333 or the Office of Institutional Access and Equity at 214-768-3601.