
Police Search for Person Who Shot and Killed Lewisville Liquor Store Owner

For two days there’s been a steady stream of customers in and out of Lewisville’s Liquor City, paying their respects for the store’s owner Suresh “Sam” Shah after he was shot and killed Monday night.

Friends, customers and family of a Lewisville liquor store owner who was shot and killed gathered for a candlelight vigil Thursday outside the store.  Meanwhile, Lewisville police have released photos of the suspect, captured by a nearby surveillance camera.  

For days, there’s been a steady stream of customers in and out of Lewisville’s Liquor City, paying their respects for the store’s owner Suresh “Sam” Shah.

About fifty people, including Shah's family, held candles and prayed in front of the business.  Many customers vowed to continue to support the store.  

“He was just such a genuine person that you automatically felt a connection,” said Sheila Clark.

Friends said Sam had just closed up the shop shortly after 9 p.m. Monday and was getting into his car when he was shot. By the time police arrived, Sam was unconscious. He was pronounced deceased by the time they got him to the hospital.

Those who knew Sam said a bag he carries was missing from the scene. Police believe he was robbed before being shot.

While they have several leads, they haven’t released descriptions for the people or person they believe is responsible.

In the meantime, Shah’s wife is keeping things running.

“It’s like a have another family here. He has created a whole new world here,” said Shah.

Throughout the last couple of days, she’s broken the news to some and received condolences from those who’ve already heard. Behind her at the register is a growing pile of flowers from the customers who promise to continue supporting her and the teenage daughters Sam left behind.

“Business was his passion for many, many years,” said Shah.

For Sam, it was about more than just sales. It was about connecting with customers who quickly became friends.

“He just really cared, you know, about everybody. If there was something going on in your life, you could talk to him,” said Clark.

Clark is one of many who’s pledged to continue daily visits. But once the current inventory is gone, Shah says she’ll close the doors for good.

“I feel like I’m in his world. I can still see him around here. I still hear him,” said Shah.

Shah, who’s spent her career in the medical field, said her focus needs to be on the couple’s 16 and 19-year-old daughters. Though he loved his business, she said Sam’s biggest dream was to see his girls get a good education and move on to lead successful lives.

“I’m not going to let that go. I’m going to finish what he has left,” said Shah.

Thursday at 5:30 p.m. there will be a vigil in front of the store at 290 East Corporate Drive. People are asked to wear green.

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