North Texas

Plano Man on Pace to Make $100,000 Decorating Bananas

A banana-decorating business is on pace to earn a Plano man more than $100,000.

When is the last time you received a personal letter in the mail?  How about a postcard?

There's a good chance you can't even remember.

Davonte Wilson, of Plano, is taking the art of a handwritten note to the next level with Bananas Gone Wild.

Wilson creates customized bananas for a living, adding everything from glitter, to beards, to eyeglass stickers, to banana peels.

"It just gives the banana a personality," he said.

Orders are made through his company's website,

"I've always had a creative side," Wilson said.

The idea to design bananas came to him during a training class to become an EKG technician.

"People would walk by my desk area and say, 'What are you doing drawing on bananas?' I kind of get made fun of," he said.

Now, Wilson is having the last laugh, since this year he said his business is projected to earn more than $100,000.

With that kind of appeal, you might expect the business to be based out of some swanky office building. But instead, he works right out of his Plano apartment decorating as many as 75 bananas per day.

They're covered in plastic wrap, then taken by the basket full to the post office.

"I'm in shock that you can just take something so simple and introduce it into the world and people love it," he said.

The cost of the bananas start at $10.

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