
Parkland Health to Debut Mobile Vaccination Unit

The moving clinic will provide CDC-recommended childhood vaccinations

Parkland Health has a new mobile vaccination clinic that will travel across Dallas schools and other locations in the area with low childhood immunization rates, offering all CDC-recommended childhood vaccines, the hospital’s Population Health division announced Wednesday.

The new vaccination vehicle hopes to remove barriers that make immunizations inaccessible for many families who may have scheduling conflicts, health insurance status or transportation issues.

“The new mobile unit will take the care to the patient where they are,” Dr. Kaneez Khan, Lead Staff Physician said in a press release. “If you’re not able to come to one of our clinics, this increases the access and by going directly to the school campuses, will reduce school absenteeism.”

The mobile unit will be on display at the Dallas Independent School District’s Fam Jam event on Saturday, March 25 from 9 a.m. to noon at the Barack Obama Male Leadership Academy. Though immunizations at the event will be provided at a traditional clinic, the mobile unit will allow visitors to get a look and learn about its future, schedule and services.

According to the 2022 Dallas County Community Health Needs Assessment, Texas has the highest percentage of people without some form of health insurance. That state percentage, 17% is less than the percentage in Dallas County, which lands at 21% uncovered. Additionally, there was a 44% decline in the number of pediatric vaccines administered in Texas due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic

For more information about the new mobile clinic, visit Parkland’s website here.

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