One Killed in Rural Mobile Home Fire

Identity of the victim not confirmed

One person was killed in a fatal fire in rural Collin County, Nevada Fire Department officials say.[[298774481,C]]

The fire destroyed a mobile home on the 7300 block of County Road 965, adjacent to Lavon Lake and near the town of Nevada.

When firefighters arrived they could only take a defensive stance as the fire had already consumed so much of the home.

After the fire was extinguished, the victim's body was found. Officials with the Nevada Fire Department did confirm the fatality, but no information about the victim has been released.

Fire investigators have not yet said what caused the fire.

"The Collin County fire marshal is here and there is another marshal in route," Nevada Volunteer Fire Department spokeswoman Amy Cortez said. "They will conduct an investigation from that point."

No other injuries have been reported.

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