N. Texas Hospital Rolls Out Vein Viewer

Tech projects rain roadmap on your body

A North Texas hospital is using a new technology to help nurses find your veins.

North Hills Hospital in North Richland Hills is using an infrared light, a digital video camera and an image processing unit that projects an image of a patients veins onto the skin. The projection creates a map, of sorts, that nurses can use to find a person's small, hard or rolling veins. 

Once found, nurses would then hopefully need just one prick with a needle instead of several to draw blood and/or start IVs.

"The vein finder helps with rolling veins and it also cuts sticks in half by 50 percent, so it totally encourages patient satisfaction in any circumstance," said Jenny Johnson, with North Hills Hospital.

The vein viewer is portable, so any patient in the hospital can use it.

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