A man whose mother found a veteran’s ring outside the Fiesta Grocery Store on NE 28th Street in Fort Worth has made it his mission to return the ring to its rightful owner.
A Dallas man is searching for the owner of a Vietnam veteran's ring found outside a Fort Worth grocery store.
Victor Barbosa tells NBC 5 his mother found the ring outside of the Fiesta Grocery store located on Northeast 28th Street in Fort Worth.
"I said, 'We have to give it back,'" said Barbosa.
He believes the ring belongs to a Vietnam veteran.
"The ring has the 'Vietnam Veteran' wording there," Barbosa said. "On the side, it's going to have the ribbon in the colors with the Republic of Vietnam Service, and on the other side it has the wall on the Washington Mall with the words 'You Were Not Forgotten.'"
Barbosa believes it has sentimental value to the owner, and he has made it his mission to return it.
"Whatever the ring is worth it's not worth the sentimental value that somebody who has served for us has for it," Barbosa said.
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The initials "PMH" are inscribed inside the ring along with the dates 1954-1964.
Barbosa is hoping an owner comes forward and has asked they call him at 682-557-7465.
"It would be an honor to hand it back to him, shake his hand and say 'thank you,'" Barbosa said.