Local Boy Scout Troop Trailer, Camping Gear Stolen: Police

A boy scout troop in Benbrook had to scramble together camping gear and other materials for a weekend excursion after their troop trailer was stolen, according to scout leaders.

Members of Boy Scout Troop 519 have spent weeks fixing up a trailer that was donated to them by another local troop, so they could use it for storing their gear. 

The trailer was packed and ready to go for a trip to Waco this weekend, but when the scouts arrived early Friday morning to load up and head out, the trailer was gone.

The trailer was locked up at a Benbrook storage facility. It was last seen on Tuesday, Feb. 7. 

Benbrook police are investigating the incident. Police said it was likely stolen during the overnight hours between Feb. 7 and Feb. 10. 

If you have any information about the incident, contact Benbrook police. 

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