Texas Legislature

Lawmakers Get Ready to Tackle Property Tax Reform in Legislative Session

Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick calls property tax reform a top priority

NBCUniversal, Inc.

Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick has prioritized property taxes for the upcoming legislative sessions. Political reporter Julie Fine talked to lawmakers about what they would like to see done.

The 88th Texas Legislative session convenes on Jan. 10. 

Lieutenant Gov. Dan Patrick announced his list of priorities.

“The first thing we have to do is more property tax relief,” said Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick.

The state is expected to have an almost $27 billion surplus. Patrick supports raising the homestead exemption to $65,000.

State senator Drew Springer (R-Muenster) supports that, and hopes the number eventually goes higher. Springer is also planning to meet with Lt. Gov. Patrick regarding another tax.

“One of the ones I hear about that I will visit with him and we will probably file a bill on, is to eliminate the inventory tax for businesses. Texas is one of only nine states that charges property tax on inventory,” said Springer.

Senator Nathan Johnson (R-Dallas),  says he supports raising the homestead exemption but wants to make sure it does not shift the to cost to non-homeowners.

“We need to address property taxes. There is more than one way to address it, and some ways are more productive than others. For example, if we invest in public education, it has the corresponding effect of bringing down property taxes. That's a good use. Straight refunds of sales tax dollars to property tax dollars, is something we can look at, but it's not something that we ought to be doing on a very large scale,” said Johnson.

This is one of the big issues that will face lawmakers when they reconvene in January. Patrick says a reliable power grid is critical and has called for more natural gas generation.

But while Patrick announced his priorities, it is up to the lawmakers to file the bills.

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