Last night, a picture of a sinkhole outside of Quanah gained quite a bit of notice on KFDX-TV's Weather Facebook page.
So Monday, the TV station went to check it out and find out why this seems to be a trend in Hardeman County.
Former Hardeman County Extension Agent Steven Sparkman said there are multiple reasons this happens relatively often in the area.
"We are right on top of the Blaine aquifer and the Seymour aquifer," he said. "From time to time, sometimes because it's wet and the soil saturated and it falls in, sometimes because the soil is dry it cracks and falls in."
Sparkman said beneath the surface across Hardeman County is a wealth of gypsum rock, which can dissolve in water, as well as a honeycomb type structure that caves in pretty easily, so sink holes in this area aren't uncommon.
Darla Luman has been living with this sink hole on her land for the last six years.
She said it's constantly changing, but right now it's about 18 feet wide and 15 feet deep.
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"When the drought hit us really hard, there were big cracks in a lot of the land around here, and this one kind of started out small and has grown over time," Luman said.
Because the sink hole is far enough away from her house and doesn't pose any real threat, she said they'll probably just leave it as is.
Max Nowell discovered his 13-foot deep surprise sink hole last Saturday.
"I sowed wheat last October here and there was no sign of it whatsoever, and a few days ago, I was top-dressing the wheat with a fertilizer rig and found it out here in the middle of the field!" Nowell said. "This area has some history of gyp sinks out in it, and we never have figured out what causes it."
Nowell said he'll fill the hole after he harvests his wheat this summer, and he's just happy he was paying attention when he was driving that tractor.
Nowell also said his biggest concern at this point, is that even if he fills the sink hole, it could fall back in and even grow.