Irving Neighborhood Ranked America's Most Diverse

Website finds 75038 zip code to be almost equally divided among Asian, black, Hispanic and White residents

Real estate website named the 75038 zip code in Irving the most diverse neighborhood in America.

A neighborhood in Irving is America's most diverse neighborhood, according to a real estate website.

A study by says the 75038 zip code is almost equally divided between Asian, black, Hispanic and white residents.

But residents in the zip code say it's hard to believe.

"I'm thinking, 'You're kidding,' because ... I mean, there are a lot of zip codes there in Manhattan," Karl Scherr said.

According to the study, the Irving zip code breaks down to 26 percent Asian, 25 percent black, 23 percent Hispanic, 23 percent white, and 2.5 percent multiracial. The study says the second most diverse neighborhood in America is in Queens in New York City, while the third is Treasure Island in San Francisco.

Irving resident Aniket Sidanale said a certain pocket of zip code 75038 has a concentration of Indian-Americans.

"Most of them I see are like Indians," he said. "Most of the shops around, everything is like Indians here."

Sidanale said many people relocated for work reasons.

"This Irving area is one of the areas in Dallas that is very hot for IT market, and a lot of people who come from IT directly -- they don't want to buy houses, they directly move into apartments," he said.

The zip code also includes the extension of the Dallas Area Rapid Transit Orange Line and North Lake College, which bring in more diverse crowds on a daily basis.

"I'm going to call it something like a Florida that brought in a lot of people from outside," Scherr said. "There is not a native Texan environment here."

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