
Hundreds Gather in Dallas for ‘Diner en Blanc'

A crowd of hundreds gathered on Dallas’ popular Continental Avenue pedestrian bridge for Diner en Blanc.

A crowd of hundreds gathered Thursday night on Dallas' popular Continental Avenue pedestrian bridge for a unique opportunity to all dress alike.

Diner en Blanc started in Paris 27 years ago and has since become tres chic in major cities across the globe.

Participants, sometimes thousands of people, dress in all-white and participate in what organizers call a "mass chic picnic in a public space."

But until the very last minute, the people taking part in the dinner do not know where the dinner will be.

"There's a huge, major element of surprise. And that's the fun," said Kathy Warwick, one of 1,600 people who attended Dallas' Diner en Blanc.

Warwick and others packed picnic dinners, complete with table settings and centerpieces – all white, of course – and met charter buses at predetermined places around the city Thursday evening.

It was only after they boarded the buses that the diners learned where Diner en Blanc would take place.

"This is something different. It's the first time this has happened in Dallas, so it's like you only live once – might as well experience things as they happen," Warwick said.

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