Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi is a Hindu spiritual leader and humanitarian from India, known as Amma, the hugging saint. The Denton stop is part of a 10-city U.S. tour.
Thousands of folks from across North Texas and beyond lined up in Denton for the past few days – to receive a hug.
It’s much more than that, actually.
Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi is a Hindu spiritual leader and humanitarian from India, known as Amma, the hugging saint. The Denton stop is part of a 10-city U.S. tour.
“Most people, their first time, they certainly don’t know what to expect,” said Jeff Warren, an Amma follower originally from Dallas who now lives in California. “It's certainly not something you do every day."
According to her biography, Amma began hugging people when she was young, to comfort those in pain. She claims to have embraced more than 34 million people, and during her program raises money for a variety of charitable and human rights causes.
"It is a feeling of unconditional love and acceptance,” said Prana Thoppil, of Dallas. “It's like you're in your mother's lap. And it's something to be experienced."
“It's very simple,” said Warren. “It's love and service. It's the core of every faith and sect and denomination."
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The message of unconditional love and service is one which can seem like it’s been lost in today’s world, according to some of her followers. Many said Amma’s teachings are something they try and incorporate into their own lives.
"You have this tiny woman, this radiant being, and look at all the services she provides in the world,” said Veronica Valles, of Dallas. “And she's just hugging people."