A helicopter was used to move air conditioner units at High Pointe Elementary and Permenter Middle School in Cedar Hill.
Two Cedar Hill schools are getting renovations buildings.
The first phase of bond work started at High Pointe Elementary and Permenter Middle School on Wednesday.
"[We're] reflooring the HVAC system, energy management system, band hall renovation, art room renovation and dance hall renovation," said Regi Brackin, the school district's director of maintenance.
As part of the work, workers removed 145 air-conditioners from the two schools.
With two teams of four workers and a communication director, a helicopter lifted and hauled air-conditioner units one-by-one. The process took about a minute and a half to complete for each.
The method of using a helicopter to swap out the air conditioners is about efficiency. A crane would have taken about a week while the helicopter completed it in a day, the district said.
The $11 million for the first phase of renovations comes out of a $45 million bond program that voters approved last year.
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The bond work is expected to continue through December 2015.