
Healthcare Design With Millennial In Mind

As millennials take over as the largest generational group in the nation, hospitals and clinics are shifting their designs to cater to the 83 million millennials in the United States.

As the millennial population takes over as the largest generational group in the nation, hospitals and clinics are having to shift their design, and they're relying on design firms to come up with ideas and spaces catered to the 83 million millennials in the United States.

So, what does that design look like? 

An Apple Genius Bar.

"Everything is integrated to where technology is integrated. You have things to do while they're helping you. It's a positive experience. It's limited time. You're in, you're out and you know what it's going to be. They want that for healthcare as well," said Jeffrey Stouffer, executive vice president of Dallas-based architecture firm HKS.

The firm recently researched what millennials expect from their healthcare space.

Top of the list are clean, holistic, spa-like environments, access to outdoors, virtual access to their records and doctors, little wait times, convenience and technology.

"If a millennial walks into a clinic and is handed a clipboard, they'll probably walk out or think that these folks are not very sophisticated," said Stouffer.

HKS was responsible for the design of the Texas Health Resources Cancer Center, which incorporates modern design features for the savvy and influential millennial.

Typical waiting rooms are now receptions areas, with large comfortable seating, a fireplace and a kitchenette.

Instead of exam rooms, the firm designed consult rooms, versatile spaces for counseling, physicals exams or virtual visits on a projector.

They look out onto another millennial-driven feature, the garden.

"They want to be connected to nature and so it's really that holistic connectivity to everything. This allows them to be connected and to be out in nature and to feel like they're part of the fabric of the community," said Stouffer.

Experts believe the future of hospital design will benefit every patient, at any age.

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