Fourth of July

Great Flag Caper turns Irving red, white and blue for July Fourth

What started as one woman's gesture to her neighbors has turned into a nonprofit with hundreds of volunteers planting 40,000 American flags across the city of Irving

NBC Universal, Inc.

Nell Anne Hunt is kind of like the Santa Claus of Independence Day. Every year, hundreds of volunteers gather like elves at her Irving home to fan out and help share a symbol of the holiday...the American flag.

"Our theme is 'We don't live in America; America lives in us,'" Hunt said.

Hunt started what is now called the Great Flag Caper 32 years ago when she planted flags in her neighbors' yards. Her gesture is now a nonprofit organization with about 300 volunteers planting 40,000 flags in front of homes and businesses across the city of Irving.

"I think about how fortunate I am to have been born in the country, to have lived in this country," Hunt said as she planted flags on a busy street. "I hope they understand that under our flag, everyone is equal and everybody is important."

13-year-old Nicholas Crawford has been on the Great Flag Caper since he was a toddler.

"I want them to remember the people who died defending our country, giving us independence," Crawford said. "Cause if we wouldn't have independence, the United States wouldn't be here."

Volunteers plan to be planting flags through Tuesday, July 3 and finish with a patriotic potluck celebration party.

"I'm very grateful," Hunt said.

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