FW Zoo Welcomes New Arrivals

Births of orangutan, 2 flamingos brighten holidays

OK, so nobody’s following a star here and angels likely didn’t appear to any shepherds tending the flocks, but the Fort Worth Zoo celebrates the miracle of birth right about now, three times over.

An adult female Sumatran orangutan gave birth — and that just makes a lot of sense — Nov. 26, and the baby now frolics among the other orangutans in the zoo’s World of Primates exhibit.

Two flamingo chicks hatched last week, one Dec. 13 and one Dec. 15, and they aren’t just any flamingos. These babies are Chilean flamingos, not to be confused with Caribbean flamingos, lesser flamingos, or plastic yard flamingos, and yeah, you saw that last one coming, didn’t you?

Anyway, the little white balls of fluff can be seen in the zoo’s Flamingo Bay area.

Let’s see … what else … oh, the orangutan birth marks the first at the FW Zoo since 2001, and the flamingo hatchlings are the first since 2005, so they’re not exactly multiplying like rabbits [ahHahaha] out there.

So yeah, hey, cute baby animals at the zoo, in-laws in town for too long … sounds like a field trip.

Bruce Felps owns and operates East Dallas Times, an online community news outlet serving the White Rock Lake area. He wonders why he even bothered writing this. Everybody’s just going to look at the pictures. Still, they are just too cuuuute.

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