The 100 Billion-Dollar Printing Error

Damaged $100 bills stored in Fort Worth, D.C.

by Bruce Felps

The U.S. government has its standards. Low standards, some might say, but standards nonetheless.

Although discovered a couple of months ago, word just now becomes widespread that a whole mess o’ $100 bills were withheld from circulation by the U.S. Department of C Notes.

One news report placed the number of uncirculated C’s at more than 1 billion, according to an article published yesterday by the Fort Worth Star-Telegram.

The problem occurred during the printing process of redesigned bills at the U.S. Bureau of Engraving and Printing Western Currency Facility in far north Fort Worth and a plant in Washington, D.C. The bills came out creased, and the Feds said, “No, no, that’ll never do, we have to sort these babies by hand to pick out the good ones, and hey, what’s that over there? [grab]”

Sorry, no, this is the Treasury Department -- not the Senate.

Anyway, a Treasury statement said, "The Federal Reserve imposes strict quality controls to ensure that users of U.S. currency around the world use the highest quality notes."

Um, guys, we wouldn’t care if $100 bills were printed on used toilet paper as long as they were legal tender.

Bruce Felps owns and operates East Dallas Times, an online community news outlet serving the White Rock Lake area. He can count on one hand the number of $100 bills he’s ever had … one.

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