Frisco Approves $775 Million School Bond Package

Voters in Frisco approved a $775 million bond package to improve educational facilities that will meet the needs of the growing suburb.
Frisco said the package includes new schools, additions and land purchases, instructional and student support needs, and renovations to support facilities. 
Frisco expects to allcoate $598 million toward 14 new schools, $21 million toward school additions and $37 million toward land purchases.  Additionally, they'll invest $103 million in instructional and student support, $40 million of which will be in technology, $38 million in renvoations, $12 million in transportation, $7 million in construction, $3.7 million in security and $2.5 million in energy manangement.
They'll also put $4 million toward upgrades at Memorial Stadium, $1 million in renovations at the transportation facility, $700,000 in upgrades at the natatorium and $450,000 in additional parking at the west transportation facility.
Frisco expects the bond package to cost homeowners with a $270,000 home about $204 per year.
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