Free Tutoring Available for Dallas ISD Students

Students at selected Dallas Independent School District schools will have the opportunity to receive free tutoring services through Project Opportunity thanks to the federally funded No Child Left Behind Act.

Students may qualify if they attend schools that have missed Adequate Yearly Progress and are in stages two through five of the School Improvement Program.

Under the accountability provisions in the No Child Left Behind Act, all public school campuses, school districts, and the state are evaluated for Adequate Yearly Progress. Districts, campuses, and the state are required to meet AYP criteria on three measures: Reading/Language Arts, Mathematics, and either Graduation Rate (for high schools and districts) or Attendance Rate (for elementary and middle/junior high schools).

To take advantage of the free tutoring program, parents must apply and select tutoring services from a list of state-approved providers.

For a list of qualifying schools and a list of approved providers, visit the Dallas Independent School District Web site at or call 972-925-3634.

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