Fort Worth's Coyote Drive-In Closer to Opening

Drive-in should be open by early May

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The Coyote Drive-In just north of downtown Fort Worth is taking shape and is expected to open in early May.

Fort Worth's much-anticipated drive-in theater is much closer to opening.

The Coyote Drive-In, which is located just north of downtown and south of LaGrave Field, is expected to open in early May.

There was plenty of driving there Friday afternoon -- by construction workers in dump trucks and backhoes. Crews were busy moving dirt, piling up debris and staking out where everything will go in the next few weeks.

"We're super excited," said Brandt Wood, the drive-in's design chief.

NBC 5 was there on Oct. 12, 2012, when two of the three movie screens went up at the site. The screens have been teasing people driving down North Main Street ever since.

"People have been stopping by left and right," Wood said. "[We] just make sure they've got a hard hat with all this going on."

What's going on is a flurry of activity as the main pavilion goes up and the layout of the site is established.

"We're taking the food and beverage component of the drive-in, which traditionally would be the snack bar, and dressing it up a bit," Wood said. "[We're] sort of widening out the menu, have games and a playground for the kids."

The drive-in, which is really the first big piece of the Trinity Uptown puzzle, is nearly ready to open about a year after it was approved.

"We're about a month away from opening, and everybody is working hard," Wood said.

Wood said progress would really pickup at the site in the coming weeks, and it could include some nighttime projection work on the screens. In the meantime, the drive-in is busy hiring a staff.

"[We're] looking for some good guys and gals to serve all the people who will be at the drive-in," Wood said.

Friday was the second of three days of a job fair at LaGrave Field for potential candidates. Saturday's hours run from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m.

Wood and his brother Brady, who owns the operation, say it will be an experience for workers and customers alike.

"You can ride a horse here, you can bring your dog, you can bring a baby -- those are things you can't do at a traditional movie venue," Wood said.

While there's obviously much to do in the next month, Wood said they feel good about where they are.

"We just couldn't be happier," he said. "It's been exciting. This will be 18 acres of a bit of old with the new, if you will."

More: Coyote Drive-In

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