Fort Worth Zoo

Unsettling or heartwarming? Fort Worth Zoo releases 75 snakes into the wild

The Louisiana pine snakes are an endangered species

Fort Worth Zoo

Not one, not two, but 75 snakes were released into the wild by the Fort Worth Zoo on May 9.

The zoo released Louisiana pine snakes into the Kisatchie National Forest in Louisiana. The snakes are an endangered species and one of the rarest snakes in North America, according to the zoo.

These are the most snakes the zoo has ever released since the start of their conservation program in 2015.

Fort Worth Zoo
Fort Worth Zoo
Fort Worth Zoo
Fort Worth Zoo
Fort Worth Zoo

The Fort Worth Zoo has released 229 Louisiana pine snakes during the program.

The snakes released on May 9 hatched in 2023 and were raised at the zoo until they reached the age where they could survive in the wild alone.

Videos shared with NBC 5 show some of the snakes that were released.

The Fort Worth Zoo released 75 snakes into a forest in Louisiana. The snakes are an endangered species.
Videos show the endangered Louisiana pine snakes getting released.

The Fort Worth Zoo is one of four places in the United States that has the Louisiana pine snake species.

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