Fort Worth

Fort Worth Veteran's Day Parade Adjusts Amid Pandemic

0:00 / 1:42
NBCUniversal, Inc.

The Fort Worth Veteran’s Day Parade, like so many things in 2020, was forced to take on a different form due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Marching bands and units were removed, turning the parade into a motorcade – and the route was also moved due to construction.

The Fort Worth Veteran’s Day Parade, like so many things in 2020, was forced to take on a different form due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Marching bands and units were removed, turning the parade into a motorcade - and the route was also moved due to construction.

“Once this pandemic took hold we had to make all the changes we normally do for a parade,” said Dan Zmroczek, President of the Tarrant County Veteran’s Council.

But despite the challenges, the sentiment of Veteran’s Day remained, with dozens of vehicles and hundreds of people turning out to take part.

“In spite of the pandemic it is very important that we come out today and celebrate and honor our veterans, that is true,” said Grand Marshall Dennis Nixon.

Despite the challenges, the weather was perfect and became an opportunity for many families to get out and take part. Among them, was the family of Edwin Gorts, a Vietnam era veteran who has been largely secluded in his nursing home for the last 11-months due to COVID-19 precautions.

“In many ways, we have been forced to see what really matters, and what really matters is people together and love each other and love their country, that is what this day is about,” said Sue Gorts, Edwin’s wife.

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