
Farmers Branch Votes Against Gun Range Near School

In a 3-2 vote, the Farmers Branch City Council shoots down a plan to turn an old post office near a school into a gun range.

The Farmers Branch City Council Tuesday night voted against a plan to allow a gun range to be built near a school. [[323576681,C]]

Texas Legends wanted to convert an old post office at 14202 Proton Road into an indoor shooting range that would sell and rent guns. The proposed location, though, was 330 feet from The Westwood School, which enrolls 240 students from 18-months-old to high schoolers.

In a meeting that lasted more than five hours Tuesday, nearly 150 speakers took the podium to argue about both sides of the debate.

The developer said his indoor gun range would have had 12-inch thick concrete walls. The walls would have been blast-resistant and bullet proof and he said no students would have been able to hear gunshots.

"Our patrons are law-abiding people," Texas Legends' Greg Taggart said. "If you deny our ability to have a business, don't think that's very good."

Nevertheless, parents and students said the risk of something going wrong was too great. Many parents pointed out the gun range parking lot would have a clear line of sight to the school.

"We are responsible for implementing reasonable policy," councilwoman Ana Reyes said. "And I do not believe it is reasonable and logical to issue a special use permit to a firearms facility down the street from a school that has students, toddlers, pre-K."

Some city council members said they still want to see the gun range built in Farmer's Branch. They may even consider tax-breaks or other economic incentives at another location.

NBC 5's Jeff Smith contributed to this report.

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