The Dallas ISD is investigating after videos surfaced Friday showing a situation between a student and a substitute teacher at Skyline High School.
In those videos shared to Snapchat, the student and man appear to be having some kind of verbal confrontation before the student pushes the teacher to the ground and punches him while some students seem to egg it on.
A spokesperson for the district said they’re aware of the video and the incident. District administrators are now talking to other students who were in the classroom to figure out what happened and what led to those moments seen on camera.
After seeing the videos, Rena Honea, president of the Alliance/AFT teachers union, said there are still a lot of questions that need to be answered.
“I was very afraid for everyone in that classroom, very frankly… the substitute teacher that was there, the student that lunged at that teacher. There are way too many questions that are unknown at this point to know what instigated the situation,” said Honea.
She said it’s not the first incident of violence that’s happened at the school and hopes legislators will look at what happened when considering school financing for next year, so that the district can fund more security and hall monitors.
“Our secondary schools, our high schools are large for the most part, and they do the best with what they have but there has been an outcry for more,” said Honea.
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According to the district spokesperson, the student was disciplined according to district policy.