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A new giraffe made its debut at the Dallas Zoo today. Tsavo ran out from his pen early this morning. The 3-week-old calf’s name is a tribute to Tsava National Park in Kenya.
The Dallas Zoo's new giraffe calf Tsavo made his first public appearance Wednesday, which happens to be World Giraffe Day.
Tsavo and mom Katie, along with other members of the giraffe heard came out out to the feeding hard Wednesday morning.
Tsavo played and ran around the yard as the other giraffes watched.
Tsavo, pronounced "SAH-voh," was named in tribute of Tsavo National Park in Kenya, which is home to some Masai giraffes.
He was was born May 30, 2017 after about an hour of labor for Katie.
This comes shortly after the Fort Worth Zoo welcomed a new giraffe to its herd.