
Dallas Students Disciplined After Fight Videos Appear Online

Several students at Harold W. Lang Middle School in Dallas have been disciplined, including some for fighting on campus and others for recording the fights and posting the videos on YouTube.

“It's just two students and a bunch of people watching. You see that over and over and over again,” said Andre’ Riley, spokesman for the Dallas Independent School District.

A parent of one of the students notified DISD late Wednesday, and the district got the four videos taken down from YouTube Thursday.

“We’re still working to patch some holes in the way we manage our students and the way we supervise them so this can never happen again,” said Riley.

Students were sent home Thursday with a letter for parents, saying fighting on campus will not be tolerated.

“Every day there’s a fight, wild fights and the children are out of control,” said Ladonna Lagg, of Dallas, whose granddaughter attends the school.

Others agree fights are common at the middle school.

“The school is OK. It’s just the fights,” said Barbara Woods.

DISD admits there have been problems at the school in the past, but says have turned around.

“This school in the last two to three years has made serious strides toward shedding that reputation, because at one time it did have it,” said Riley.

DISD won’t say how the students involved were disciplined.

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