
Dallas Skyline Dimming Its Lights to Protect Birds

"Lights Out Texas" will begin every night between Sept. 19 through Oct. 10 from 11 p.m. - 6 a.m.

NBCUniversal, Inc.

Starting Tuesday night, Reunion Tower will join other buildings in dimming its lights to 25-percent.

It's part of the "Lights Out Texas" initiative, led by former first lady Laura Bush, to protect birds as they migrate across the United States.

Every spring and fall, nearly two billion birds travel through Texas at night.

This massive passage of birds, one of the largest on the planet, occurs at night, conflicting with nighttime illumination. Light attracts these migrating birds, making them vulnerable to collisions with buildings.

According to "Lights Out Texas", approximately one billion birds die in collisions with buildings in the U.S. annually, and Texas may be particularly hazardous due to high illumination in large cities and higher-than-average bird migration volumes.

The Lights Out Texas event will begin every evening between Sept. 19 through Oct. 10 from 11 p.m. - 6 a.m.

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